Additional Benefits

Critical Illness Insurance & Accident Insurance

These coverages are voluntary and paid for by you, the employee.

Wellness Benefit-Members are provided a $50 per year benefit for completing certain routine wellness screenings or procedures.

Critical Illness Insurance
EmployeesOption of $5,000 to $50,000 in increments of $5,000, Guarantee Issue: $25,000
SpouseOption of $5,000 to $50,000 in increments of $5,000, Guarantee Issue: $25,000. Has to be under age 70 and coverage terms at age 75.
Dependent ChildrenCoverage limited to 25% of employee approved Amount of Insurance to a Guarantee Issue and maximum of $12,500.
Insurance is designed to help covered employees meet the out of pocket expenses and extra bills that can follow an accidental injury, whether minor or catastrophic. Lump sum benefits are paid directly to you based on the schedule of benefits. No health questions are required to elect coverage.​ Refer to the chart for a few examples.

Group Accident Insurance
Emergency Room visit​$150 benefit is payable to you​
X-rays​$25 benefit is payable to you​
Initial Hospital Admission​$500 benefit is payable to you​
Concussion​$100 benefit is payable to you​
Physical Therapy​$25 per session benefit is payable to you, 6 sessions max​

Pet Insurance

Paradigm Precision offers you the opportunity to purchase Pet Insurance with Nationwide.

There are three simple ways to sign up:

  1. Go directly to the dedicated URL for your company: This link is also available in ADP.
  2. Visit and enter your company name
  3. Call 877.738.7874 and mention that you are an employee of Paradigm Precision to receive preferred pricing

Ready to enroll?

Log onto your ADP Workforce Now account to elect your benefits during the annual open enrollment period or if you experience a qualifying event.
ADP Workforce Now